Metaverse 2024

ClimateGPT: Open-Source AI to Combat Climate Disinformation

ClimateGPT is the first open-source AI platform dedicated to combating climate change. It stands as an innovative solution against climate disinformation by combining reliability, transparency, and scientific data.

Launched by the Endowment for Climate Intelligence (ECI), the platform offers several advantages that make it a crucial tool in fighting the climate crisis. The data it provides is scientific and robust, verified and secured by the Hedera blockchain.

Key Advantages of ClimateGPT

  • High Accuracy: Equipped with advanced large language models (LLMs), ClimateGPT is proven to be 10 times more accurate in completing climate-related tasks compared to baseline models. This assures users that the information obtained is accurate and reliable.
  • Misinformation-Free: The platform has undergone rigorous testing and control to ensure it does not spread misinformation. Users can be confident that the information they receive is factual and not misleading opinions.
  • Open and Accessible: ClimateGPT is available in 20 languages and hosted on renewable energy, making it accessible to a wide audience worldwide. The commitment to renewable energy also demonstrates the platform’s concern for environmental sustainability.
  • Advanced Models: The platform comprises three task-specific LLMs trained with data from Erasmus.AI, Earth4All Club of Rome, and UN SDGs. The combination of quality data and sophisticated models results in an effective and efficient AI solution.
  • Transparency: Users can download models, research papers, and track the training lifecycle through Hugging Face. This transparent approach builds trust and allows users to understand the process behind the platform.

Potential Benefits of ClimateGPT

  • Assisting Researchers: Accelerate research and analysis related to climate change by providing accurate and reliable data.
  • Supporting Policymakers: Formulate effective and data-driven policies to address the climate crisis.
  • Guiding Business Leaders: Make informed and sustainable decisions aligned with sustainable development goals.

ClimateGPT is not just an AI platform, but also a movement to build a greener and more intelligent future. By combining the power of AI, scientific data, and global collaboration, this platform has significant potential to help us overcome the climate crisis and build a more sustainable future.

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